10 Ways To Celebrate Spring

March 20th is the first day of Spring.  I think Spring will be late here in Montana, because we still have almost three feet of snow on the ground. Hopefully it will melt quickly, so that we can play more outdoors and take advantage of the longer days.  I know that in some places, it’s already really warm and sunny. The wildflowers are almost two weeks late here.

For me, Spring is the beginning of Summer and it is also the time of year that everything seems to be rejuvenated. I always feel cooped up in the winter time and struggle with the lack of sun light. I enjoy lots of winter activities outside, but I prefer the weather to be hot. I like color too, and in the winter time, it seems everything is gray. So, I am ready for Spring to be here! And what better way to welcome Spring, than to spend time enjoying it, preferably outdoors. So, here are are ten ways to celebrate Spring and the Spring Equinox.

Fly A Kite– My mom used to get kites for us every Easter and I have continued that tradition. It’s one of my favorite things to do in the Spring with my children.  It is not just a  kid activity, but an adult one too! Make sure to stay away from power lines and trees, and let those kites soar. If you are ambitious, you can even make your own.

Bird Watching– When I walked outside this last weekend, the birds were singing non-stop. They were extremely loud and even obnoxious. This is one of the best times of the year to watch birds, because so many of them are migrating or showing off for mating season. Grab a pair of binoculars and head out into nature, or set up a bird feeder outside your house.

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Star Gazing– We had cloudy skies all winter so it was finally nice to see the stars for a change the other day.  The best way to star gaze is to get away from light pollution. If you are at home, just turn off all of the lights in the house.  One of my favorite places to watch stars, is from a mountain top or in the woods. My son is in love with the man in the moon and my girls love finding constellations.

Planting Seeds– Get outside and plant a garden. If you live in a colder climate like I do, now is the perfect time to start your seeds indoors. If you do not have a garden space or room for a garden, you should check out container gardening. I have also seen people grow herbs or even tomatoes year round on their window sills. I usually start just my tomatoes and peppers inside, as well as some petunias and marigolds for my garden boxes.

Take A Hike– Go outside and take a day hike. It may be  a bit muddy or still a little icy, but take advantage of the sunshine. Soak in some Vitamin D and enjoy all of the smells and sights of the season. be sure to wear sunscreen and drink plenty of water even though it is cooler outside than in the summer. We have several trail heads near our home that we love to go on in the spring. It’s a good way to stretch your legs after being inside for so long.

Go Fishing– It’s still a little chilly for me, but this last weekend I saw several boats out on the river, with people fishing. That water is so cold with all of the snow melt! I need a sunnier day for that. However, the fish are hungry after the long winter so it is the perfect time to get some great bites. If you go fishing, be sure to check your local restrictions and regulations.

Have a Picnic– Time to pack up some sandwiches, fruit and juice (maybe adult juice) and find a sunny place to enjoy a nice lunch. If you have kids,

Ride A Bike– Strap on a helmet and go for a bike ride. Take your bike to your local park or community bike path. Go fast or slow, but enjoy the ride and the sun. Later this year, we hope to take a biking trip on the Route of the Hiawatha, old railroad tracks that is now a bike trail into long tunnels and on high tressels. The best part is that it is down hill the whole way.

Go On A Walk– No more ice!!! Take a short walk around your neighborhood. It is so refreshing, especially after a long day. Even a fifteen minute walk gets you outdoors so you can enjoy the season.

Enjoy The Rain– Go and play in the rain. Jump or dance in it, it is your choice. I love a good Spring rain. It is cool and refreshing. My children love to go outside during rainstorms. In the summer months, we like to sit inside with all the windows open and watch the thunderstorms.

Light a Bonfire– It’s marshmallow time! Because the fire warnings are pretty low, it is the perfect time to have a bonfire or light a fire in your fire pit. Enjoy telling stories or maybe a beer. Or, hang out with the kids and have a weenie roast. Around August, we usually can’t have fires through September.

What is your favorite Spring activity? Don’t forget, whatever way you choose to enjoy Spring, be safe. And don’t forget, be outside with no limits. Love, Pauline


  • Liza

    6 years agoReply

    What a wholesome list!! I can’t wait to do all of these things this spring. Especially enjoy the rain-it’s underrated!!

  • Caitlin

    6 years agoReply

    I love these ideas. It’s getting to be the perfect time to have an evening bonfire in the south 🙂

  • Heather

    6 years agoReply

    These are great tips. Lots of good ideas.

  • Nicki

    6 years agoReply

    I can’t wait! Just getting outside is going to be great!!!

  • Jennifer

    6 years agoReply

    I literally cannot remember the last time I went to fly a kite! Thank you for this great list of reminders!

    • admin

      6 years agoReply

      My mom and her brother love to fly kites!!!

  • Leigh Ann

    6 years agoReply

    I forgot how much I love to fly kites! Thanks for the reminder!

  • Ramae Hamrin

    6 years agoReply

    I am so looking forward to doing a lot of these things. Watching the birds and riding my bike are the two things I’m looking forward to the most. Great list!

  • Holly Bird

    6 years agoReply

    Truly an inspiring post!! I am so happy that spring is here..my favorite time of the year!!

  • Nissa

    6 years agoReply

    I love all of these activities! My favorite is to go hiking with my dogs when the weather is beautiful!

  • Qua’ Tesha

    6 years agoReply

    Love this post! So excited to sit on my porch with a glass of lemonade!!

  • Anna

    6 years agoReply

    I love all of these tips! And I love spring! Thank you for sharing!

  • Tricia Snow

    6 years agoReply

    3 FT??? Yikes! I bet summers there are beautiful though! Enjoy!

  • Katie

    6 years agoReply

    My fiance and I love going on walks. Being at different campgrounds is the perfect opportunity for us!

  • Michele

    6 years agoReply

    The Farmer’s Markets start up in April here, so that is always a sign that spring has sprung! Also, just sitting in the sunshine on the deck (I too don’t like the gray skies!).

  • jen

    6 years agoReply

    I love this!!! One of these days we are going to have to plan a get together! I remember living in Montana and first days of spring were magical! It felt like the world was waking up. Down in LA it’s just not the same. I miss that beauty and connection

  • Meagan

    6 years agoReply

    I am so not an outdoors person, but I’m SOOOO happy to be able to go outside. The weather today was gorgeous and we got to play outside!

  • Tiffany

    6 years agoReply

    Walking! Love seeing this reinforced. With three boys, you’d think telling them we were going out for a hike or walk would be met with resistance but it’s not! Wish I could do it more with them!

  • Cindy

    6 years agoReply

    I love this time of year! Great suggestions for making the most of spring.

  • Susan Franklin

    6 years agoReply

    My favorite thing to do during the spring is go for a hike . In Az the weather is warm and sunny and often if we have good rain during the winter, like this year, the desert is greener and wild flowers are in bloom.

  • T.M. Brown

    6 years agoReply

    Oh, I’m looking forward to hikes, picnics, bike rides and walks. I love this time of the year.

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