I am whom you would call a low-tech person. My family does not have a television, and computers are basically for work or learning. We spend a lot of time outdoors, so technology like cell phones to tell the time is not very reliable. It’s not practical either especially when you are hiking or backpacking. It is so much easier to look at your wrist instead of digging into your bag or pocket for your phone. That is why I still wear a watch. Plus, where we go on our adventures, there is never service. The time zones are also finicky, because we go to several places on the Montana/Idaho border where the time zones change depending on which direction you are walking towards. It is nice to be able to know what time it is when you are camping, regardless of the time zone.
So if you are like me and spend lots of time outdoors, you need a watch that is durable and can withstand the elements. I also love unique and eco-friendly products, and that is why I love the Jord (pronounced Yode) watch. It checks all of the boxes for products I love. And…there is a GIVEAWAY!! Let me share with you why I love this product and why it is the perfect watch for me. I chose the Frankie watch, which is designed for men AND women. GIVEAWAY CLOSED **Please note, this product was sent to me by Jord to review, free of charge. I only review and recommend products that I love.

Design– I chose the Frankie because I need a watch that can withstand an active lifestyle. Jord watches are made mainly from wood, which is a natural material so it has less impact on the environment.. Did you know that Jord is the Swedish word for “from earth, land or soil”? This watch is very durable and well made. I am also a minimalist, so I really loved the simple design. The Frankie comes in multiple color choices and my personal preference was the zebrawood and navy. I like a large watch face and the wood of this design is very special, with stripes going through it. What is also great about these watches, is that they can be personalized and engraved. The bands are custom fit. I also like the clasp, that has a two button release and is solidly made, so it won’t break easily. Do note, this watch is splashproof but not meant to be submerged, so I would not wear it kayaking, fishing or snowboarding.
Packaging– This watch comes in the prettiest box and wrapped around a pillow. The packaging not only looks great, but is durable enough so that you can store your watch in it without any worries. And no plastic! The watch also comes with a pamphlet with information about your watch and how to take care of it. It also comes with oil and a soft rag to keep it clean.

Stylish– Just because I am a plaid and flannel type girl, doesn’t mean I don’t like a nice accessory. Because of the designs of these watches and particularly the Frankie, I can dress it up or down, depending on if I am in the woods, at work, or going out for date night. It is simple, yet stunning at the same time.

The Company– Jord is environmentally friendly. The materials for their watches are sourced responsibly and are also made from re-purposed materials. They have complete transparency when it comes to the types of wood that they use and you can read up on the type of wood the watches are made from and how it is sourced. They also are very detailed in disclosing what what components are used in the watch. In fact, they are made in the same factory as Rolex and with the same watch piece, but you don’t have to pay the Rolex price tag to get the same quality product. g
I loved everything about this watch. It is a great item to have and I am pleased that it is now a part of my wardrobe. This watch and company check all of our boxes for practicality, uniqueness, environmentally aware, responsible and fun. All watches are unique, because every piece of wood it different. Jord also makes gorgeous wooden bands for Apple watches for both men and women and really cool caps for men. The Jord watches would make a great gift for weddings, Father’s or Mother’s day, birthday, graduations and other special events. Some purchases even qualify for financing so that is great too. Because it is well made and beautiful, it is something that can be passed down from generation to generation and eventually become a treasured heirloom. You can check them out for more information at https://www.woodwatches.com, and follow them on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Let us know what you think and if you like their watches like I do. Love, Pauline
Wooden Wrist Watch
Ramae Hamrin
That is one beautiful watch! Will enter the giveaway!
Tricia Snow
I love giveaways! Thank you for sharing!
Leigh Ann
These are beautiful and functional!
What a beautiful watch! I entered the giveaway.
Good luck Becky!!! It is indeed beautiful.
Pretty watch – nice give away
Beautiful watch! Someone will be a lucky winner!
That just looks like I watch I would picture you wearing. Earthy, outdoorsy, classic and traditional. It is lovely.
Jennifer Morrison
These are such gorgeous watches. I also love that they make the bands for Apple watches.
This is such a beautiful watch. I love how natural it looks.
I really love the wood look. Matches everything and just looks a lot more fun.
Me too. And it’s very simple but beautiful.
T.M. Brown
That is a beautiful watch – and I love that it’s designed for both men and women to wear. Very outdoorsy – you’re right. Great look!
I’ve always wondered about these wooden watches and how they stand up. CooL!
What a gorgeous watch! I love the design.
What a gorgeous watch! I love the wooden wristband.
Love the watch and the giveaway is what makes it even better. Teehee ?