It’s that time of the month when the Nomadik box arrives!! I had mentioned in my last review how much I enjoy my subscription. If you missed our last post about Nomadik, you can read it here. It is one of my favorite ways to get affordable gear for all of my adventures and I included it in my post here, on ways to save on outdoor gear.
One of the things that I love about the Nomadik Subscription Box, is that I can try new things that I haven’t tried before. Many of the items are unique and things I wouldn’t have tried normally, but that I have found to be extremely useful. Plus, my children love to get mail and look forward to our box each month. Each of my kids have their own day pack as well as back pack for overnight backpacking. This has been a great tool to replenish and stock their packs. Outdoor gear and accessories can be expensive and this is one of the ways I can save money. Please note, Nomadik sent me this box at no charge to review. This post may contain affiliate links, at no cost to you, from which we can earn a small commission from your purchases. I am also a monthly subscriber and all opinions are my own.
Two of my favorite things that I love about Nomadik are their customer service and support of small businesses. The two times that I had issues with my box (gear cleaner spill and no tracking code on another box), I had a pretty quick response from their team. Nomadik really listens to customer concerns and are very prompt. They are also really supportive of small and start-up businesses. I like that they team up and promote veteran owned businesses, companies that give back, and Kickstarter products.
Nomadik boxes also have excellent value and don’t include a lot of “filler” products. I was a subscriber to another outdoors box and got a lot of junk that I would never use. I have used every item in my boxes since I started subscribing back in February of 2018 except for one item (poison ivy wash and we don’t have that where we go). Boxes start at $29.99 and you can purchase one box, subscribe for a year or even month-to-month. The value of the box usually runs between $50.00-$70.00. You can also cancel your subscription at any time. I also love the coupons I get (which I have used several) and the points I accrue that I can use for future purchases of my box. Next month my box is free-ninety-free because I am using my points! The little brochure that comes with the box also has great tips and a fun challenge that lets you enter a giveaway.
January 2019 Nomadik Box Review– The topic of the box this month was The Minimalist. The tips featured this month were recommendations for new places to explore: the Gila Cliff Dwellings in New Mexico, the Chattahoochee National Forest in Georgia, and the Baxter State Park in Maine. The challenge this month was to use your Tactica M-100 Multitool (one of the products provided) and upload a picture to Instagram, in order to enter a giveaway for a free 3 month subscription (7 possible winners). This month’s box had the following items:

M100 Multi Tool by Tactica– This little multi tool is lightweight and durable, this little gadget is easy to use and ergonomically designed. Funded by Kickstarter, the M100 comes with 18+ tools, including metric and imperial wrenches and rulers, box cutter, bottle opener, Philips and flat head screwdriver and more. It’s the perfect tool for your next adventure and it’s TSA compliant so you can carry it on a plane with you. **I would use this tool for my camping box, my car, any of my outdoor adventures, off-roading, my bugout or SHTF bag, and cycling. It is very sturdy and only weighs 1.6 ounces.
Emergency Blanket by 1Tac– This emergency blanket is made from rugged, all weather, durable Mylar. It can be used as a blanket, ground cover, rain catch, make-shift shelter or even to signal for help because of it’s reflective surface. **This is something that I actually have currently in my car emergency kit. Two of my friends got stuck in their car last year and had an emergency blanket which may have saved them. I would also include it in my day pack, backpacking pack, and any activity that leaves me outdoors with no service like snowboarding or off-roading. You never know what will happen and it’s always a good thing to be prepared.
Wilderness Survival Card 2.0 by Readyman– This little card is a game changer when it comes to wilderness or apocalypse survival and readiness. Weighing only 0.32 ounces and the size of a credit car, it can easily fit into your wallet. Made from stainless steel, this card includes the following reusable items: arrowheads, spearhead, fishing hooks, tweezers, needles, an aul, two saws (they are really sharp), snare locks and more. All items can be reused and easily stored in your wallet. **This is something that I would put in a bugout or SHTF bag, my daypack or backpacking pack. It would be helpful if you got lost or stuck somewhere in the back country.
For more information on the Nomadik Subscription Box, you can go here and also follow them on Instagram, and Facebook.
For more information on 1Tac, you can go here and follow them on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
For more information on Readyman, you can go here and follow them on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
For more information on Tactica you can go here and follow them on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
If you do check out the Nomadik Box, make sure to let us know what you think. And don’t forget, be outside with no limits!!!!
Thanks for sharing! I have never heard of this box service and know of several people that would love this!
I love it!!!
There seems to be a box for everything today, this is a good one for the outdoorsman!
Tricia Snow
This box looks amazing! Thank you for sharing!
This is really great stuff in the box. Thank you for sharing!
Looks like you got some good stuff this month!
That little survival card, though. Whaaaaat? It’s amazing they can make things like that. Seems like that (or anything in that box) would make a perfect gift or the outdoorsy person or survivalist.
That card is so cool! It’s like a survival kit for your pocket.
What a cool company!! Thanks for sharing. I’m a big outdoors girl so I find this stuff to be so useful!
I haven’t gotten anything I didn’t like and it’s made our outdoor adventures easier.
Subscription boxes look like a lot of fun. It would be a little like Christmas every month! This one would would be great for outdoors people!
I tell ya, subscription boxes are the new way to get anything!
Sounds like a great subscription for the outdoorsman or adventurer!
Jennifer Morrison
What a fun concept! I love the idea of the multi-tool, and of travel recommendations.
It’s a bit different from my other multi tools but small and lightweight.
My husband would love this! I’m thinking fathers day!
T.M. Brown
This is one of those boxes with which I’m unfamiliar. The items inside would make great gifts for some of my friends!
That multi tool is super cool!!!