The Best Reader Recommended Gear and Gifts for Outdoorsy People

Our readers have great ideas and suggestions for outdoor gear. There really are a lot of different choices out there. I have put together just a few things that were the most popular outdoor product purchases from our readers, as well as a few recommendations that have been suggested. I like to think of Mama Bear Outdoors as a community and I love it when people get involved. All of these make great gifts for the outdoorsy man or woman in your life.

A few of the items on this list, are camping essentials that our family has and relies on when camping.

Hiking and Backpacking Gear

Coleman Camping Soap Sheets – Instead of taking liquid soap when you are outdoors, try soap sheets instead. They are easy to pack, light-weight, and multi-purpose. These make an affordable and practical stocking stuffer too. Suggested by Candi in Oregon.

MPowered Luci String Lights and Phone Charger – These lights are perfect for inside your tent and they charge your phone. It also gives extra lighting in your camp kitchen area or your potty station. Suggested by Becky in Utah.

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Sun Company Versa 360 Rechargeable Headlamp – This is a very affordable rechargeable headlamp and durable too. I would recommend this for older kids or teenagers.

Suruid 12-in-1 Multi-tool – You never know when a multi-tool can come in handy, especially when you are fixing gear, cooking, or even at home. This is a nice combo multi-tool that is durable and affordable. Recommended by Allen in Oregon.

Fanny Pack – I know what you are thinking, but I got a fanny pack this year as a gift, and I love it! It’s great for keeping all over your things together when camping, so you don’t have to go digging through packs. Or, it is nice to have to redistribute some of your weight and when you don’t have easily accessible pockets on it a backpack.

Camping Cookware Mess Kit – This mess kit is perfect for camping and backpacking for either solo or couple camping. This is a great starter kit for any backpacker or camper and has all the necessities required for camp cooking. You can only buy this mess kit without the stove too.

The Ultimate Satellite Solution for Outdoor Adventures

Camping Gear

Coffeesock DIY Hiker’s Coldbrew Kit – When this was recommended by a reader, I had to try it myself. Weighing only 3.2 ounces, this might be one of the lightest gear items to make camping coffee. I had never thought of doing cold brew while backpacking or camping, but I will now. Recommended by Carol in Montana.

One80 Lamp Belt – It has gotten really dark in the last two weeks. But people are still running and riding their bikes really early in the morning before the sun comes up. I saw this bobbing along and couldn’t figure out what it was until the jogger was fairly close. I stopped the jogger to check it out. It was really visible and I am thinking of secretly sending one to my neighbor who rides his bike and rarely wears any reflective clothing.

Mini Maglite – You cannot have enough light sources while camping, or even at home. For some reason, there is never a flashlight or headlamp when the power goes out, but I can always find at least five when we do not need them. This is a great little flashlight for the car, at home, tent camping or RV camping, and even to put in a backpack. This would make a great stocking stuffer.

Coleman Portable Butane Stove – I prefer the double Coleman stove because i have a family. But this single burner is really nice for couples, a single person or one-pot meals. This is also a good emergency item to have in case of a power outage. Recommended by Cindy from Nevada.

Coughlan’s 2 Burner Non-stick Griddle – This skillet is a good one to have for bacon, eggs, and pancakes. Because it is flat, it stores well almost anywhere. Coughlan is a great camping brand and has quality camping items. Recommended by Sara from Montana.

Cast Iron Scrubber – This is perfect for all of your camping cast-iron needs. Cast-iron is popular when camping and you must keep it clean. This scrubber is perfect for getting all of the little bits off. Recommended by Honey from Michigan.

Enamel Percolator with Mugs – This is one of our family’s basics. I don’t go camping anywhere without it unless we are backpacking. When we are camping in campgrounds or in a group, I always chuckle when I see multiple enamel coffee pots on our fire. If you are looking for unique enamel cups that aren’t blue like everyone else’s’, check out this guide on enamel coffee cups.

First Aid Only 299 Piece Kit – I can’t tell you how often we use our first aid kit in the woods. I am constantly restocking it. This one has everything you need and is the perfect first aid kit for camping. We’ve used ours for burns, gashes in heads, bee stings, and even to bandage up one of the dogs.

Military Shovel and Pickaxe – A shovel is an essential piece of camping gear. It can be issued to put out a fire, dig a cat hole, pull tinfoil packets out of the fire, dig out a vehicle, and much more. It is a good safety item to have as well. Recommended by Dave in Utah.

Sleepingo Sleeping Mat – A good sleeping mat is essential to a good night’s sleep when camping or backpacking. With its compact size and being lightweight, as well as being affordable, this is a good choice to add to your camping essentials. Recommended by Liz in Nevada.

Teton Sport Sleeping Bag – This is a wonderful three-season sleeping bag that is durable and made well. I have found it to be very warm and it is also affordable.

If you are interested in other camping gear essentials, check out this previous post here on 14 Camping Essential and Must-Haves.

Clothing and Accessories

There are a lot of different options out there, but I like unique finds. If you are looking for unique gear and accessories, try any of the following online stores that have amazing finds or get a gift card for your favorite outdoorsy person. When it comes to clothing and accessories, I really prefer to purchase my own.

Coalatree – This store had a phenomenal outdoor clothing line. I love hiking pants and coffee socks, but they have so many accessories and other gear items. Its mission is to reduce its carbon footprint and provide sustainable gear and clothing. Many of their products are made from recycled coffee and plastic.

United By Blue – Another sustainable company, United By Blue is dedicated to recycling, ethical manufacturing, and reducing the carbon footprint. They have beautiful clothing, but I love their accessories like their reusable bags and enamel cups. For every product purchased, United By Blue removes one pound of plastic from the ocean. They are really involved in the community and I love supporting their mission.

Garage Grown Gear – This is a one-stop-shop for supporting small brands and start-ups. They are so supportive of building up smaller companies and there is a lot to discover that you can’t find anywhere else. I love it when businesses support other businesses. There is so much to choose from including dog gear, clothing, and accessories. So many cool gear items to choose from. If you are looking for unique gifts, this is the place to shop.

Food and Snacks

Hikers Brew – Looking for a great camping coffee? This coffee can be made multiple ways: drip, french press, aero press, pour-over, or cowboy. It comes in pouches of 1.5 oz and enough to make 4 cups. It comes in several different flavors but our favorite is the Hazy Hiker. It is organic and fair trade, and pouches are compostable.

Trail Butter – Nut butter has become really popular for snacks while hiking, backpacking, biking, or any other outdoor adventure. They are easy to eat and high in protein. I was a little skeptical at first but after trying the Trail Mix one, I am hooking. Besides the single-serve ouches, you can also get these in larger resealable pouches as well. Recommended by Lindsey in Arkansas.

Meat Shredz – This is a great ingredient or even a snack when you are outdoors. It has become one of our staples when we are backpacking. You can find a recipe here for Meat Shredz BBQ Sliders.

Justin’s Classic Peanut Butter – This is the perfect snack for any trip. It’s very convenient and comes in a single serving squeeze pouch. Justin’s Peanut Butter has only two ingredients and is very popular amongst our readers, campers, hikers, and backpackers. Don’t like plain peanut butter? Try the almond butter, cashew butter, honey peanut butter, or the chocolate hazelnut almond butter.

Just The Cheese – This is a delicious non-perishable snack that is also keto. Only one ingredient, cheese!!! It’s crunchy and tastes awesome. I like to pair it with sausage sticks.

Outdoor and Nature Books

“The Names of the Stars” by Pete Fromm – Twenty-five years after his first book, “The Indian Creek Chronicles”, Fromm is asked again to return to a different wilderness to babysit fish eggs again. This time he is in the Bob Marshall Wilderness, where there is the densest grizzly bear population in the lower forty-eight and other wildlife. Written as beautifully as his first book, Fromm takes his readers into the wild with him, in this compelling book.

“Cast-iron Camping Cookbook” by Pauline Reynolds-Nuttall – Published this year, this is an excellent addition to add to your camp cooking menu. With over 70 recipes and many tips, it’s extremely resourceful for camping trips. You can read a more detailed post about the “Castiron Camping Cookbook” here. Thank you to all of my wonderful readers who have purchased and reviewed this cookbook. You are amazing!

“The Last Season (P.S.)” by Eric Blehm – This was recommended by one of our readers and I could not put it down. It was so good, that I added it to my Outdoor and Adventure Lover Book List. One of the most-read adventure books written, the biography about backcountry ranger Randy Morgeson is compelling, riveting, and adventure at its best. What did happen Moregenson?

SilentWalk or SilentHike by Mindtravel – If you have not tried out this meditation yet, you should. It has taken my hiking to a whole new level and I am able to de-stress. The whole world could use a bite more calming right now.

SilentHike Review by Mama Bear Outdoors
SilentWalk or SilentHike is a meditative program for hiking and walking. You can check out my review of SilentHike here.

If you love outdoor, nature, and adventure books, then check out this book list. With over 20 titles, there should be something for anyone to enjoy and is also one of our most popular articles. If there is a book that you think should be added, please post it in the comments.

If you are looking for other gift ideas, I do have some other posts you can check out. The 2019 Stocking Stuffers Guide and the Gift Guide for Outdoorsy Men (and women) should be great places to start. Do you have any suggestions to add to this list? I love it when this community makes suggestions. And as always, be outside with no limits.

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